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Guide to the Best 10 Pieces of June Birthstone Jewelry
This month we are spotlighting two of the most popular gemstones - the pearl and moonstone. Pearl is the traditional birthstone for June in Western cultures, and moonstone can serve as another beautiful choice.

When I was young my mother gave me a pearl bracelet for my birthday.She told me that pearls can protect me and I will grow up healthily. I’ve worn it for years ,and now it is time for me to send one to my child.Pearls not only can keep children safe,but also can balance one's karma, strengthen relationships.And they also symbolize wisdom acquired through experience.
My pearl bracelet is white,the most classic and widely preferred pearl color.White is considered a symbol of purity,so white pearl jewelry always appeared on weddings and graduation celebrations.Like this beautiful pearl ring as follows.
But in fact the color of genuine pearls ranges from white to pink, blue, brown, gray and black, depending on the type of mollusk and the water in which they are found.If you want some jewelry appropriate for business, white and black pearl jewelry is a good choice.Such as a chic dangle earrings like this.
The meaning of colored pearls are different.Black and gold pearls are very popular with businessmen for they are believed to attract wealth .And pink pearl always symbolize success, fame, and good fortune.They look soft and elegant, so many women choose pink pearls as a everyday jewelry.
I know some of you want something unique,so baroque pearls may be suitable for you.
How to take care of your pearls ?
First,not to expose it to too much sunlight, humidity, dryness, wide temperature variations, or acids.
Second,wearing your pearls often as the body’s natural oils keep them lustrous.
And you should wipe the pearls with a soft cloth before putting them away.
These are the three most important aspects of pearl maintenance.
Moonstone- Bringer of calm, peace and balance
With a very nourishing, sensual, deeply feminine energy,moonstone is Known as a master healer for women - it drives away nightmares and encourages sleep, brings soothing, healing calm energy and helps regain back your power and inner balance.So,moonstone is widely referred to as the “Goddess Stone”.So they often used as wedding jewelry for the bride.
As moonstones are believed to nurture and protect,so choose a moonstone jewelry and wearing it often,will be good to your mental and physical,In this case, you can choose a minimalist one like this.
Another common way to use moonstone is meditate while holding a moonstone gently in the left hand,holding the first bead between thumb and index finger,then Recite one mantra, move to the next bead and repeat.So there is a beautiful moonstone bead bracelet for you.
And if you want to show the lady in your life just how much you love and respect her, a piece of moonstone jewelry would be a good choice.There is a high-quality blue moonstone pendant necklace for you.
In fact moonstones are also the zodiac stones for people born under the zodiac sign of Cancer.So,I think a blue adorable moonstone zodiac sign will be more suitable for people born between June 21 and July 22.
How to take care of your moonstone?
First,cleanse it gently and try to limit its exposure to strong sunlight.
Second, bear in mind that the best way to recharge your moonstone is by the light of the moon.
In general,if you treat your moonstone in a right way,you will get more healing from it.
Now, let's start a new life with the cute jewelry.